Was it "Hush Money?" He was paid over $155,000 - FULL SHOW 3-3-21

Reporter Charlie LeDuff joins in to talk about his fight to sue the Governor over nursing home data.

Was it "Hush Money?" He was paid over $155,000. Questions surround former Michigan health director's agreement with the state. State Rep Steve Johnson joins in to discuss.

The Big Three 3-3-21

1 Texas is lifting its mask mandate and Governor Abbott says they’re now completely open for business. So is Mississippi.

Meanwhile Gov. Whitmer and the MDHHS announced relaxed restrictions yesterday.

Bars, restaurants, and entertainment venues can start hosting at 50% capacity this Friday with a cap at 100. Visitation at nursing homes will also be allowed under the new guidelines.

2 State lawmakers are expected to pass more than $4 billion in COVID-19 relief aid today.

The bill would include money for boosting vaccinations, getting kids back in school, and rental assistance for families.

It also limits some of Gov. Whitmer's authority in responding to the pandemic.

Will she sign it?

3 A Senate committee has started an investigation into Gov. Whitmer's nursing home policies during the pandemic.

She placed sick COVID patients in long-term care facilities with healthy patients.

More than a third of COVID deaths in Michigan were from people in nursing homes or long-term care facilities.

Over 4,100 died.

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