GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- After 95 years of helping men with addictions, Guiding Light began helping women recover from addictions, as well, last year when it opened two sober-living transitional homes.
And now, the nonprofit's executive director, Brian Elve, said on West Michigan's Morning News that a residential home will be opening in about six weeks. Its first residents will be 11 women, plus a house manager. There will be off-site programming, as well.
"These women will stay there and, then ... we'll transport them somewhere else for the programming during the day. And this will be a long-term program, because we think things worth having take work. We want these women to see what the other side of recovery could look like, and we're really excited to start this process," he said
Guiding Light describes itself as an intensive addiction rehabilitation program designed to give people a structure and opportunity to engage in change. It is a donor-funded Christian nonprofit. On its 95th anniversary, Guiding Light is in the middle of a $95,000 Matching Gift campaign that runs through May 31st. Any donation will be matched, dollar for dollar up to $95,000.
The donations help provide basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter, plus programs and resources to help people sustain recovery for the rest of their lives.
"We're so fortunate to be in West Michigan ... where there are so many supporters to help people get another chance at kind of redirecting their lives in a positive way," Elve said.