GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- Kent County Register of Deeds Lisa Posthumus Lyons has launched an effort to prevent property fraud.
The "Fraud Notify" system is a free service that alerts subscribers via email whenever a document bearing their name is recorded within the Kent County Register of Deeds Office. When you receive notification of a recording, you'll be able to assess its validity and notify law enforcement if you suspect fraud.
Here are more details from the Kent County Clerk's Office news release:
“Home ownership has long-defined the American Dream and families work so hard to achieve that dream,” Kent County Clerk/Register of Deeds Lisa Posthumus Lyons said. “That’s why we’re launching Fraud Notify to offer Kent County property owners added peace of mind and powerful information in a world where threats aided by technological advances are a growing concern.”
The theft of real property (including homes and vacant land) is a rapidly growing threat across the country. Property fraud occurs when someone records a fraudulent document at the county land records office, making it appear as if they own property that is not legally theirs. This occurs without the true owner ever knowing until they themselves attempt a real estate transaction on the property, which could be years, long after the crime had been committed. Most often, once the ownership is fraudulently altered, the property is then sold by the thief. Not only is the victim robbed of what is likely their greatest financial asset, but they are then left with the outstanding debt of any mortgage on the property and must navigate through the legal and criminal justice system at great expense.
“Unfortunately, there is no tool that will prevent property fraud completely, but Fraud Notify will help equip Kent County property owners with information they need in order to be aware if a theft has occurred, to respond quickly, and to seek justice,” Lyons concluded.
Property owners interested in subscribing to Kent County’s Fraud Notify can do so at