GREENVILLE, Mich. -- The Greenville Department of Public Safety says sparks from a hand grinder ignited aluminum dust the night of March 17, causing an explosion and fire at the Dicastal North America manufacturing plant.
It took four hours for crews to bring the fire under control. Public Safety officers and Greenville fire investigators were assisted by special agents from the A-T-F in conducting the investigation. They say an employee was working on a maintenance project in the foundry area when the explosion occurred. Public safety says that worker suffered severe burns but his condition is improving daily.
Firefighters from three departments were used to extinguish the fire, which was contained to the foundry area.
Per a Greenville DPS news release:
On Monday, March 20, 2023, the Greenville Department of Public Safety (GDPS) Fire Investigation Unit conducted an origin and cause investigation into the explosion incident occurring at Dicastal, Incorporated, on Friday, March 17, 2023. Investigating the incident were Public Safety Officer and Fire Investigators Jamie Sorsen and Jess Dear, both trained in fire and explosion investigations. Dicastal Facilities Manager Sam Myers also assisted in the investigation as well. Specific agents from the ATF, also specially trained in explosion investigations, provided support during the examination of the incident area
“Having a comprehensive, independent investigation by the outside parties yielded the determination of an accidental incident on Friday night,” said Interim Director Brian Blomstrom. “We appreciate the partnerships involved as we moved forward with the origin and cause examination and determination, and the collaboration between everyone assisting with determining what happened in a very quick, professional manner.”
Firefighters from three different departments worked together to extinguish the fire, which was contained to the foundry area of the plant. Based on the metal and dust in the area, firefighters used on-site dry chemical powder extinguishers to mitigate the incident. Suppression crews systematically extinguished the fires within the plant and on the roof area, which lasted a few hours. The incident was declared under control at 0147/