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WOOD Radio Local News


Battle Creek woman celebrating 113th birthday

BATTLE CREEK, Mich. (WOOD) — Michigan’s second-oldest resident is about to celebrate another birthday turning 113 years old.

Ellen Goodwill’s neighbors and friends at Advantage Living Center in Battle Creek celebrated the remarkable milestone a few days early with a tea party Friday.

Goodwill was born in Kentucky on Feb. 2, 1907 — Teddy Roosevelt was president. She eventually moved to Battle Creek, where she has spent most of her life. Her caregiver Stacy Lewis says Goodwill never remarried after her husband’s death nearly 50 years ago, never had children, and has some secrets to a long life.

“She never drank alcohol at all,” Lewis said. ” And ‘Stay away from men’: that’s what she’ll tell you.”

Sharon Miller has known Goodwill since she was a child.

“I have known her for over 60 years,” Miller said.

Miller said Goodwill has always been an elegant woman who worked as a model and used to create window displays for local stores.

Photo courtesy of News 8 || More at WOODTV.com.

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