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The Big Three 10-31-22
1 Wild details are coming out following the attack on Democrat Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul.
Some reports allege that the attacker was found with Paul Pelosi early Friday morning in his underwear at the Pelosi home by police in San Francisco.
Mainstream media has tried to frame DePape as a conservative. DePape was homeless and a drug addict but the media insisted he was running two conservative websites?
Reports indicate when the police arrived the two men were fighting over a hammer. When DePape allegedly starting hitting Paul Pelosi with it, the cops intervened.
Worth noting.. There have been over 100 attacks on churches, pro-life organizations, and pregnancy centers since the leak of the Dobbs decision. A Justice was targeted for assassination.
Democrats still haven't condemned the violence.
2 Just 8 days until November 8th when Americans head to the polls in an historic midterm election.
Crime, Biden-flation, and education/indoctrination are at the top of the list for most weighing their options.
Former Democrat, Tulsi Gabbard was in Michigan this weekend campaigning with Republican candidate for governor, Tudor Dixon.
Former President, Barrack Obama took time to stump for Whitmer.
Two no shows over the weekend in debates arranged by the campaigns of John Gibbs and Matt DePerno.
Both of their opponents failed to show to face voters and answer questions in Grand Rapids this weekend.
They both claim they weren’t made aware of the offer and event.
3 After being told by a judge that she’s breaking the law with her election manual, Michigan Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson wants to go to the Supreme court.
Former Michigan State Senator Patrick Colbeck tweeted this weekend, that Benson “submits emergency application to skip Court of Appeals & ask MI Supreme Court if they will allow her to conduct #2022Elections in an unlawful manner.”
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