John Gibbs on the Patrick Lyoya case and his campaign.
More on the Jan. 6 Hearings
Barry on the Patrick Lyoya case
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The Big Three 6-13-22
1 Whitmer vetoed a major tax cut bill on Friday that was recently passed with support from Republicans and Democrats.
House Bill 4568 proposed a $2.5 billion tax cut for Michiganders that would focus on giving tax breaks to seniors, families and others.
Whitmer refused to sign the tax cuts into place saying the process didn’t align with the rules of how it should have gone through.
2 A bipartisan group of senators announced an agreement on gun control legislation Sunday.
The bill would strengthen background checks, expand restrictions for convicted domestic violence abusers, allocate funding for states to enact red flag laws, and bolster school security and mental health programs.
The plan has the support of 10 Republican senators, which would help overcome a Senate filibuster.
But many of the details of the plan are still to be sorted out and maintaining support for it throughout the legislative process will be challenging.
3 Grand Rapids City Manager Mark Washington says he was harassed by people demanding justice for Patrick Lyoya.
Washington says armed protesters showed up at his home demanding Schurr be re-arrested.
Protesters deny this and say no one was armed.
Schurr has been arraigned on a second-degree murder charge in connection to the shooting. He has bonded out of custody Friday after a not guilty plea.
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