A popular YouTube personality successfully pranked a scam calling centers in India, which included releasing roaches, stink bombs and glitter bombs inside the buildings.
Mark Rober, an inventor and NASA engineer, shared the video 'Pranks Destroy Scam Callers- GlitterBomb Payback' on Sunday (May 8), which showed his successful special operation fighting back against robocall scammers.
In the video, Rober details an elaborate plan in which his group manages to infiltrate the call centers to gain access and attack from the inside.
The prank initially starts with a stink bomb set off inside a call center cockroaches, rats, smoke bombs and glitter bombs, among other items, are placed and/or released at the office.
The prank was caught on surveillance video, which Rober and his group gained access to, and several confused scammers looking directly into the cameras.
The prank led to the facility, as well as several other call centers in the area, temporarily closing down.
Rober's prank had more than 10 million views and was the No. 3 trending video on YouTube as of Monday (May 9) afternoon.
TrueCaller reported $29.8 billion was lost in phone scams in the U.S. and as many as 59.5 million Americans -- equal to 23% of the population -- have reported losing significant money as a result of phone scams during a 12-month span prior to publication in June 2021.
Phone scammers typically target elderly victims over the phone in an effort to obtain personal information.