The Media wants you on Ukraine's side, but why is that?
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The Big Three 3-4-22
1 Gas prices could hit $4/ gallon for the national average by next week. Some predict it may hit 5 in the days ahead.
Prices jumped another 10 cents to $3.89 / gallon for unleaded. That’s up over 60 cents in the last month and more than a dollar in the last year.
2 Russian troops have occupied Ukraine's largest nuclear power plant, where a fire that had threatened potential disaster was extinguished in the early hours of this morning.
President Volodymyr Zelensky urged European leaders to "wake up now" and stop Russian forces "before this becomes a nuclear disaster."
"There are 15 nuclear reactors in Ukraine. If one of them blows, that's the end for everyone, that's the end of Europe. All of Europe will have to evacuate," Zelensky said, while referencing the Chernobyl tragedy and its victims.
3 Warmest temperatures of the season followed by rain Saturday night and snow late Sunday night.
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