Alleged Kidnapper Nabbed After Teen Used Hand Signals She Learned On TikTok

James Herbert Brick

Photo: Laurel County Correctional Center

A kidnapped 16-year-old girl was rescued thanks to hand signals she learned on TikTok. The teen was reported missing last Tuesday (November 2) by her parents. The alleged kidnapper, identified as James Herbert Brick, 61, drove the teen through North Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky before arriving in Ohio.

When Brick realized the girl was underage and had been reported missing, he headed back to North Carolina. As they were driving, the teen tried to alert other motorists that she was in distress by holding up four fingers with her thumb across her palm and then closing her four fingers over her thumb.

Another motorist recognized the signal, which victims of domestic violence often use to covertly alert others they are in distress and called 911. Officers tracked down Brick and pulled him over in Cherokee, North Carolina. Deputies learned that the teen had been reported missing by her parents in Ashville and took him into custody.

During the investigation, they found a phone belonging to Brick which "allegedly portrayed a juvenile female in a sexual manner."

Brick was taken to the Laurel County correctional center, where he was charged with first-degree unlawful imprisonment and possession of matter sex performance by a minor over the age of 12 but under age 18.

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