Justin is joined by Matt DePerno and Kristina Karamo about the oversight committee's "investigation".
The Big Three 6-24-21
1 President Biden announced more executive orders Wednesday, in addition to a new zero-tolerance policy for “rogue gun dealers,” who he now claims are responsible for violent crime increases in five major cities historically controlled for decades by Democrats.
Biden’s contradictory five-point plan also includes additional money for police — who he previously said should be defunded.
While the President highlighted other areas, such as taxpayer funding of community violence intervention, reentry and summer jobs programs, guns were definitely the theme of his speech, which included calls on Congress to ban “assault weapons” and “high-capacity magazines.”
What Biden left out of his speech is also telling: He never once mentioned gangs or gangsters — the root cause of violent crime in every major city whose mayor Biden now wants to prop up.
In Chicago alone there are more than 100,000 gang members. I’m sure each owns more than a token few stolen firearms, so guns aren’t the problem. Gangsters are — as evidenced by the fact there were 54 people were shot in the decades-long Democrat-controlled city last weekend.
2 Wonder why your electric bills keeps going up?
Consumers Energy announces plans to end coal use by 2025.
3 The Michigan Senate Oversight Committee hasreleased the findings of an investigation into the state's 2020 election.
The report says the committee found no evidence that widespread or systemic voter fraud took place.
And the committee recommends that the Attorney General investigate those who perpetuated false claims about the election for "personal gain."
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