Spectrum Health, Metro Health, Mercy Health, D&W and Family Fare have come together - for the sake of you and all those around you. Please get vaccinated. It's through vaccination that we can finally emerge from the pandemic and get back to normal life.
It's our route out of this, and we need to do it together. Talk to your family doctor or a trusted pharmacist, & choose to get a small poke, to make a big impact.
West Michigan is counting on YOU – follow any of the resources below to schedule your vaccine today.
Spectrum Health Vaccination Resources: https://www.spectrumhealth.org/covid19/covid-19-vaccine
Metro Health Vaccination Resources: https://metrohealth.net/about/covid-19-updates/vaccination/
Mercy Health Vaccination Resources: https://www.mercyhealth.com/health-and-wellness/covid-19/vaccine
D&W Vaccination Resources: https://www.shopdwfreshmarket.com/covid19vaccine
Family Fare Vaccination Resources: https://www.shopfamilyfare.com/covid19vaccine
Additional Resources: