Local Group Wants to Bring Pornography Filters to MI Phones - FULL SHOW

They just signed it into law in Utah. Now a local group wants to bring pornography filters to Michigan, Chris McKenna of ProtectYoungEyes.com shares his reason why.

The Big 3-25-21

1 A Michigan high school basketball referee has been charged with assault for allegedly pushing Muskegon coach Keith Guy with about a minute left in a close game. Coach Guy was not wearing a mask and inches away for the the refs face.

2 Gov. Whitmer has again vetoed a Republican-backed bill that would have required legislative approval to extend Michigan’s COVID-19 restrictions. 

The measure would have ended state health department orders after 28 days unless they were lengthened by the GOP-led Legislature. 

The Democratic governor vetoed nearly identical legislation in December.

3 Michigan Senate Republicans introduced nearly 40 bills addressing elections and voting. They say the moves are to restore faith in the process.

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