by: NEWS 8
LANSING, Mich. (WOOD TV) — On Friday Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed an emergency order that toughens the requirement to wear masks during the coronavirus pandemic. The new order now mandates that businesses open to the public deny service or entry to customers who refuse to wear one.
The signed order also expands where people must have a face covering beyond indoor public spaces. Starting immediately, they have to wear one outdoors if they cannot consistently keep 6 feet (1.8 meters) from non-household members, and while using public transportation, a taxi or a ride-sharing vehicle — with some exceptions.
That change now means that violators will now be subject to a misdemeanor fine but will continue to face no jail time.
Read the full order: >>FULL ORDER:EO-2020-147-Emerg-order-Masks
Read the full story: WOODTV.COM