Los Angeles District Attorney's Husband Pulls Gun On Protesters At His Home

The husband of Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey pulled a gun on Black Lives Matter protesters after around 50 of them showed up in front of their Grenada Hills home early Monday (March 2) morning.

The protesters decided to show up to her house after claiming she refused to meet with them over concerns with how she has handled cases of police misconduct. The protesters do not believe she is doing enough to hold officers accountable, especially in cases of fatal shootings of African Americans.

video of the tense encounter was posted on social media.

In the video, David Lacey opens the door with his gun drawn as the organizer of the protests, Melina Abdullah, can be heard off-camera saying, "Good morning. Are you going to shoot me?"

"I will shoot you. Get off of my porch," Lacey tells her. "I don't care who you are, get off of my porch right now. We're calling the police right now."

Officers were dispatched to the Lacey's home, and they managed to defuse the situation. Nobody was injured or arrested as a result of the incident.

Jackie apologized on behalf of her husband during an emotional press conference.

"His response was in fear, and now that he realizes what happened, he wanted me to say to the protesters, the person that he showed the gun to, that he was sorry, that he was profoundly sorry," Lacey said.

She also criticized the protesters for showing up to her home.

"Our home is our sanctuary," she said. "I do not believe it is fair or right for protesters to show up at the homes of people who dedicate their lives to public service."

Abdullah said that she does not accept Lacey's apology.

"She didn't apologize to us," Abdullah said, according to the New York Post. "And an apology isn't enough. We need her to change. We need her to be accountable, or she can retire."

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