Justin is joined by Matt Maddock, Republican freshman legislator who represents Michigan’s 44th District, to talk about House Bill 5229.
HB 5229 was a bill that would have allowed billions in new property taxes by taking an end run around the Headlee Amendment cap on increases. that bill failed 2/25 (yesterday). the GOP House leadership immediately launched what some are calling HB 5229 v2.0 (actual bill is HB 5550). this bill (5550) allows billions in new taxes to fund "region transit".
There is not an obvious "demand" for transit service in many counties as the buses that exist now often run empty. further, Maddock believes that traditional "transit" systems are a dinosaur in an era of personal mobility (such as Whitmer and many support).
Matt Maddock (Milford) is a Republican freshman legislator who represents Michigan’s 44th District. Maddock is Chairman of the Transportation Subcommittee for Appropriations and is Chairman of the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules. Learn more here www.MattMaddock.com. Maddock’s 2018 election marks his first term as a Michigan Representative. House District 44 includes Milford, White Lake, Highland, Springfield Twp. and the southwest corner of Waterford.
HB 5550 is on an "expedited" process so it may be voted as soon as next Tuesday.
some background:
1. copy of HB 5550 http://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2019-2020/billintroduced/House/pdf/2020-HIB-5550.pdf
2. Detroit News article that appeared just hours after 5229 failed (clearly 5550 had been in the works expecting a failure of 5229) https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2020/02/25/michigan-speaker-chatfield-common-ground-regional-mass-transit/4869898002/