State grants Kent ISD three-year pre-Labor Day waiver

From our media partners at WOOD TV:

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — The Michigan Department of Education has given the Kent Intermediate School District the option to start before Labor Day for the next three years.

The pre-Labor Day start waiver was granted during a public hearing Tuesday evening.  

At the hearing, KISD Superintendent Ron Caniff explained the goals and benefits of starting the school year prior to the holiday weekend. 

Caniff said starting early, or frontloading the schedule, means students get more instructional time at the beginning of the year, rather than at the end when standardized tests have already been taken.  

“The days in June are maybe not as powerful a learning opportunity as maybe the days in August and September when energy is a little higher,” Caniff said. 

Other goals of a pre-Labor Day start are to boost enrollment in summer and early/middle college learning opportunities. 

During the hearing, KISD presented the results of a recent survey sent to parents asking their preference on the topic.  The question asked, “Do you support starting the 2020-201 school year prior to Labor Day…?” Out of 10,281 responses, 52% were in favor, 42% opposed and 7% had no preference.  

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