Christmas tree disposal in Grand Rapids

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – Grand Rapids residents have  two options for the disposal of live-cut Christmas trees after the holidays. The City’s Christmas tree collection program offers free drop-off disposal and fee-based curbside pickup. Both options are  environmentally friendly, with trees recycled through chipping and  returned naturally to the ground.The City offers free drop-off sites for Christmas trees through Feb. 1 at the following locations:

  • Riverside Park (north entrance), 2001 Monroe Ave. NE
  • MacKay-Jaycees Park, 2531 Kalamazoo Ave. SE
  • Lincoln Park, 231 Marion Ave. NW – Drop off trees in west parking lot off Garfield Street at Lincoln
  • Huff Park, 2286 Ball Ave. NE

The curbside pickup option requires residents to attach a $2.50 City  bulk yard waste tag (purple tag) to the Christmas tree and place it in  their pickup area by 7 a.m. on their scheduled refuse collection day.Bulk yard waste tags are available for purchase at City Hall, 300 Monroe  Ave. NW, in the Monroe-level customer service lobby. City Hall is open 8  a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Some local  retailers also may have the tags in stock.Christmas trees placed in the refuse pickup area must be properly tagged  for collection. The tag must be visible at the time of collection.  Residents must make every effort to be sure the tree is able to be  collected – not buried in the snow – and the tag is visible. All  ornaments, other decorations, tinsel, nails, tree stands and any plastic  bags on the tree need must be removed prior to collection. If not  properly tagged, the property owner is subject to a notice of violation  and possible fine. Lost or stolen tags are the responsibility of the resident to replace.

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