Today on WML, Justin, LIVE from Gerald R Ford Presidential Museum, talked the passing of Former President George H. W. Bush and a Grand Rapids Christmas tradition that lives on at the Gerard R. Ford Museum
The "Brenton Village Train" is at the Gerald R. Ford Museum - And They're Sharing it for FREE
George H.W. Bush, the 41st U.S. president and father of the 43rd, has died at age 94
Michael Patrick Shiels
- Host of Michigan's Big Show
- Author of I Call Him Mr President... stories of golf fishing in life with my friend George Herbert Walker Bush
Man behind Breton Village Christmas train display is hanging up his cap after 20 years (photos)
Shannon Yoder
- Granddaughter of Herb DeVries
Ken Skopp
Joel Westphal
- Deputy Director of Gerald R Ford Presidential Museum