A Nurse Is Fighting For Your Right To Know The Agenda Behind Health Care

Since 1984, the state of Michigan has been collecting blood from newborns and storing it. Unless your parents opted out when you were born, you are among the roughly 5 million people whose blood is being held at one of two banks — one in Lansing and the other in Detroit — that belong to the private nonprofit BioTrust. The parents of nine children sued, saying the practice is wrong.

Perhaps no topic in America has stirred as much national attention as healthcare. One public health nurse from Minnesota has a fresh take on the subject, and her organization, Citizens' Council for Health Freedom, exists to protect health care choices and patient privacy.

Twila Brase, R.N., is president and co-founder of the Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom and is a certified public health nurse. She provides commentary for the one-of-a-kind Health Freedom Minute, provides testimony at the state legislature, meets with members of Congress, and speaks around the country. She has been interviewed on CNN, Fox News, NBC Today Show, among others, and her quotes appear in publications of the Associated Press, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and others.

Brase is the author of the new book, “Big Brother in the Exam Room,” published last month by Beaver’s Pond Press. Besides a section on Baby DNA, the book exposes how and why Congress forced doctors and hospitals to install a data-collecting, command-and-control surveillance system in the exam room. The extensively researched work also includes the negative impact of EHRs on privacy, personalized care, costs, patient safety and more, according to doctors and data from more than 125 studies. “Big Brother in the Exam Room” is available at Amazon.com and www.BigBrotherInTheExamRoom.com.

For more information about CCHF, visit www.cchfreedom.org, its Facebook page or its Twitter feed @CCHFr

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