Ongoing mosquito surveillance conducted by the Kent County Health Department(KCHD) is revealing an unusually high number of trapped mosquitoes testing positive for West Nile virus.
While there are no human cases reported in Kent County yet this year, these tests lead health experts at KCHD to believe that a rise in human cases is possible in 2018. There is no vaccine or cure for the virus, the only treatment is prevention.
Tips for being safe around mosquitos include: applying insect repellent that contains active deet, wearing light colored clothing and avoiding being outside at dusk and dawn when mosquito activity is high.
Another tip is to get rid of mosquito breeding grounds, which include standing water in yards, flower pots, pet bowls, rain gutters, etc.Only about 20% of of people infected will notice symptoms of the virus. Symptoms include headaches, body aches, joint pains and fatigue. In rare instances West Nile can lead to death.