Cardless ATMs: A step ahead of the scammers

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — Banks are using a new weapon in the fight against scammers: cardless ATMS.

Fifth Third Bank recently introduced the cardless ATM, which allows customers to use their smartphones and mobile banking apps to use teller machines without a debit card.

While a local IT security expert calls it a good step, he figures criminals already are looking for ways around it.

"The industry is going to have to continue to innovate, it's going to have to come up with solutions like this that address these types of concerns," said Mark Spaak, an IT security expert at Trivalent Group.

Cardless ATMs would have stopped the thieves who recently used skimmers — devices hidden in card readers — to steal thousands of dollars recently from Lake Michigan Credit Union customers.

"It's actually a very innovative idea," Spaak said. "The only areas where I see concern is this is predicated on a username and a password."


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