Bill reforming MI gun-free zones passes committee

LANSING, Mich. (WOOD) — A set of three bills designed to allow gun  owners to carry their weapons in certain gun-free zones in Michigan has  cleared a Senate committee in Lansing.

The bills would make it possible for concealed carry permit holders  who take extra training to carry at schools, churches and other places  currently prohibited.

In a hearing room dominated by those who oppose the bills, the testimony went on for more than an hour.

The changes involve more than just concealed carry.

Open carry would be prohibited in specified areas and only concealed  carry permit holders who have extra training would be allowed to have  guns in the areas.

It’s an idea that does not set well with Julie Roe, who represents the American Federation of Teachers in Michigan.

“By allowing weapons in the early childhood hood centers, K-12  schools, community colleges, universities dormitories and classrooms,  the state would be increasing the likelihood of violence not deterring  it,” she said. “The most comprehensive research finds that expanding the  right to carry concealed firearms is associated with an increase of up  to nine percent in the rate of assault.”

Don Wotruba, executive director at Michigan Associated of School Boards, also expressed concern over the legislation.

“We are concerned that this change could create more accidental  incidences and tragedies that even the most well-intentioned individual  that has went through training won’t be able to stop,” he said. “I would  also add, similar to the last speaker, I think the additional training  in this bill doesn’t really come close to preparing an individual for  the instances that it happened in our school districts.”

In fact, the additional eight hours of training it would take to get  the endorsement to carry in currently prohibited areas was roundly  criticized by opponents.

Alternatively, pro-gun group Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun  Owners was fully supportive, saying it would bring a sense of safety to  schools and other currently prohibited areas.

Full Story on WOODTV8

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