City of Kalamazoo unveils ‘Imagine Kalamazoo 2025’

KALAMAZOO, Mich. (WOOD) — They call it “Imagine Kalamazoo 2025.”

It’s the city’s strategic and master plan for the next several years. City leaders have been working on the plan for months.

Now they are ready to get the public’s input before they make it final.

“The master plan is the document that’s meant to shape future  development in the city,” said Christina Anderson, Kalamazoo city  planner.

Kalamazoo city leaders released a draft of the Imagine Kalamazoo 2025 master plan to the public on Tuesday, which can be found here.

“In the next six weeks, it’s meant to be all comments,” said  Anderson. “We’re trying to meet with as many neighborhoods as we can  during that time.”

Imagine Kalamazoo 2025 supports 10 strategic vision goals.

“I kind of call that the umbrella document that guides everything the city does from here forth,” said Anderson.

Those goals include shared prosperity, a connected city, inviting  public places, environmental responsibility, a safe community, youth  development, complete neighborhoods, strength through diversity,  economic vitality and good governance.

City leaders will look to the plan and to those goals to help guide and shape city projects, policies and partnerships.

“It’s just an opportunity for us to collect comments, and be able to  answer as many questions as we can before the public hearing,” said  Anderson.

After this public comment period, the Planning Commission will need  to approve the draft Imagine Kalamazoo 2025 Master Plan. If adopted,  city commission will give its final approval.

Full Story on WOODTV8

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