Emergency prompted alert about pole barn surgery

A medical emergency at the pole barn-tuned-doctor’s office in the community of Glenn prompted Allegan County authorities to put out an alert warning the public.

Despite the county’s warning, the office remained open illegally Wednesday with medical staff present and patients coming in for visits. Notably missing at the office Wednesday afternoon, however, was Dr. Bradley Bostow, the owner who was allegedly performing the liposuction surgery at the site.

Allegan County sheriff’s officials responded to the scene after an emergency medical call came in for a patient with difficulty breathing last Thursday.

Since putting out the alert, county officials say they’ve taken no complaints from patients at the office. State authorities report the same.

Inside the office, medical staff said Bostow was not available and declined to comment. The so-called “pole barn” was finished inside and divided into rooms. It was clearly under construction.

A sign in the waiting area appeared to commended the office for “excellent risk management practices that enhance patient safety and promote quality care.” But the agency that apparently awarded the placard, American Physicians Assurance Corporation, has not existed since it was bought out in 2010. Dr. Bostow purchased the pole building in 2015.

A patient visiting Bostow’s office Wednesday afternoon said he supported the doctor.

Officials with Ganges Township say Bostow’s office is operating illegally. Zoning Administrator Tasha Smalley said Bostow took out a permit to change the use of the building at 6990 114th Ave. to a medical office in May of 2016. Since then, the office has failed building code inspection three times, most recently April 17.

Smalley says officials have sought court orders to force Bostow to stop operating in the building, though it wasn’t immediately clear whether an order was actually issued. If Bostow violates a court order, he could be charged with contempt of court and arrested.

Read the entire article here at WOODTV.COM here. 

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