The Rapid Wants You To Speak Up

The Rapid is holding several public meetings to present proposed fare structure changes and to seek community feedback regarding these proposed changes.  The Rapid is proposing a few changes to its current fare structure to fully use the new e-fare technology, expedite the boarding process, and give passengers more options on fare payment. This proposal does not include a fare increase. If approved, changes to the fare structure will be in effect when the e-fare system launches in early 2018. 

The proposed changes include:·

Elimination of 10-Ride tickets

Implementation of a pay-as-you-go way to purchase a pass

Implementation of more convenient reloadable account options through e-fare·Elimination of the sale of tickets on the bus

Elimination of the sale of tickets on the bus


Public Comment Meetings......

Meetings at Rapid Central Station

Wed 4/19/17  7-8 AM

Central Station, second floor community room

250 Grandville SW


Meeting at Kentwood City Hall

Wed. 4/19/17 

4900 Breton Ave. SE/Kentwood


Meeting at Grandville Library

Monday 4/24/17   7-8pm

Kent District Library-Grandville Branch

4055 Maple St SW



Meeting at Walker City Hall

Monday 4/24/17  10-11am

City Commission Chambers

4243 Remembrance Rd NW



Meeting at Wyoming Library

Wednesday  4/26/17  6:30-7:30pm

Kent District Library-Wyoming

Library meeting room B

3350 Michael SW



Meeting at East Grand Rapids Community Center 

Library Meeting Room B

750 Lakeside Dr. SE, East Grand Rapids, MI 

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