The Rapid is holding several public meetings to present proposed fare structure changes and to seek community feedback regarding these proposed changes. The Rapid is proposing a few changes to its current fare structure to fully use the new e-fare technology, expedite the boarding process, and give passengers more options on fare payment. This proposal does not include a fare increase. If approved, changes to the fare structure will be in effect when the e-fare system launches in early 2018.
The proposed changes include:·
Elimination of 10-Ride tickets
Implementation of a pay-as-you-go way to purchase a pass
Implementation of more convenient reloadable account options through e-fare·Elimination of the sale of tickets on the bus
Elimination of the sale of tickets on the bus
Public Comment Meetings......
Meetings at Rapid Central Station
Wed 4/19/17 7-8 AM
Central Station, second floor community room
250 Grandville SW
Meeting at Kentwood City Hall
Wed. 4/19/17
4900 Breton Ave. SE/Kentwood
Meeting at Grandville Library
Monday 4/24/17 7-8pm
Kent District Library-Grandville Branch
4055 Maple St SW
Meeting at Walker City Hall
Monday 4/24/17 10-11am
City Commission Chambers
4243 Remembrance Rd NW
Meeting at Wyoming Library
Wednesday 4/26/17 6:30-7:30pm
Kent District Library-Wyoming
Library meeting room B
3350 Michael SW
Meeting at East Grand Rapids Community Center
Library Meeting Room B
750 Lakeside Dr. SE, East Grand Rapids, MI