Discover Kalamazoo sues for (269) trademark

KALAMAZOO, Mich. (WOOD) — There is a big battle brewing over three little numbers: 269 — the area code for southwest Michigan.

Discover Kalamazoo,  the city’s visitor’s bureau, filed a suit in federal court to preserve  its trademark using the code. Discover Kalamazoo says a logo with 269 in  parentheses is its property and it doesn’t want anyone else to use it  without permission.

Discover Kalamazoo President and CEO Greg Ayers acknowledges that the organization didn’t create the area code.

“But we created the brand to promote the region,” he argued in a Wednesday interview with 24 Hour News 8.

He said the organization has spent more than $400,000 on the brand  since 2010. It trademarked “(269) COOL THINGS TO DO IN AREA CODE 269” in  2013. “Spirit of (269)” was also trademarked as part of an effort to  showcase area breweries, distilleries and wineries.

Full Story on WOODTV8

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