Gas company to pay woman $2,400+ ‘adjustment’

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — A Grand Rapids DTE gas customer got a  surprise in the mail earlier this month when the energy company told her  she was owed $2,415.63.

The credit came after DTE Energy realized a meter recently removed  from Jennifer Peter’s home was not accurately measuring gas use.  Officials said it was reading 2 percent fast.

DTE said the meter hadn’t been tested in many years, so company  policy required that Peter be credited as if it had been reporting  inaccurately for half of its life. In this case, DTE says the meter was  35 years old, which meant the 2 percent error was credited for 17 years  and six months.

Peter got a letter from DTE on March 13 informing her of the situation.

Full Story on WOODTV8

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