(VIDEO) What to know about North Korea and its weapons programs

North Korea's failed missile launch overnight has once again highlighted concerns about that country's missile and nuclear weapons programs.

Much is not known about the programs, but there are a number of parameters that officials have assessed or made public.

The Pentagon estimates that North Korea's army has more than 1 million soldiers, making it the fourth largest army in the world. Some 4-5 percent of North Korea's 24 million people serve on active military duty.

The Pentagon's estimates that North Korea has about 200 launchers that can be used to fire short- and medium-range ballistic missiles. It estimates North Korea has fewer than 100 launchers for various versions of the SCUD missile that can travel from 200 to 600 miles. And fewer than 50 launchers for its medium range.

North Korea has a small arsenal of small nuclear weapons as proven by its five nuclear tests.

There are 28,500 American troops permanently stationed in South Korea as part of the U.S. security commitment to South Korea after the Korean War. 

Read the entire ABC News article here

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