Lawsuit accuses Monsanto of manipulating research to hide Roundup dangers

Hundreds of people around the country are suing Monsanto, Roundup’s parent company. Their lawyers cite a 2015 World Health Organization study that says glyphosate is “probably carcinogenic” and damages DNA in human cells.

Monsanto released studies showing glyphosate does not cause cancer. 

“The data that they look at, they cherry pick it,” said Dr. Donna Farmer, a Monsanto scientist who spoke with CBS News last summer.

“There is no data indicating that we should change any recommendations on how this product should be used. Glyphosate, the data is clear, doesn’t cause cancer,” Farmer said then.

But now, the data is in question.

In California, a judge recently ruled the state can legally require them to warn customers the main ingredient for Roundup has the potential to cause cancer. 

Read the entire CBS News article here

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