Good News And Bad News In Muskegon County

Mlive reports, the recent data compiled by Public Health-Muskegon County provides some good news and some bad news in the area for illnesses.The bad news: Muskegon County has reached a four-year high in the combined total of flu and gastrointestinal illness cases reported weekly by schools and daycare centers in the county. The good news: The worst of it may be over as the last week's totals show a sharp decline in the reports of confirmed influenza cases, flu-like symptoms and gastrointestinal-like symptoms to the health department. The number of cases reporting flu-like symptoms and gastrointestinal-like symptoms reached four-year highs in February, exceeding 1,300 cases of flu-like symptoms a couple of weeks ago. That's significantly higher than any point during the last four years in Muskegon County.

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