Study: 2 Great Lakes have 'good' ecosystems

A report on the Great Lakes shows only two of the five have good ecosystems.

The lakes are analyzed every three years as part of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between Canada and the United States.

Lake Superior and Lake Huron were both given recognition for good ecosystems.

Lake Michigan and Lake Ontario are listed as fair condition, while Lake Erie is listed as poor.

The report is based on nine criteria including:

  • Can we drink the water?
  • Can we swim at the beaches?
  • Can we eat the fish?
  • Have levels of toxic chemicals declined in the environment?
  • Are the lakes supporting healthy wetlands and populations of native species?
  • Are nutrients in the lakes at acceptable levels?
  • Are we limiting new introductions and the impacts of non-native species?
  • Is groundwater negatively affecting the water quality of the lakes?
  • Are land use changes or other stressors impacting the lakes?

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