GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- Following the 103rd annual Grand Rapids Santa Parade with a big Christmas tree lighting ceremony proved to be a big hit with the thousands of people who watched the events downtown Saturday evening, Dec. 7.
The parade sponsored by Gentex traditionally has taken place on a Saturday afternoon. But this year, the parade got underway around 5 p.m. at Michigan Street and headed down Division Avenue, eventually making its way westward on Louis Avenue before culminating behind Rosa Parks Circle. WOOD-TV has more on that.
The big man in the red-and-white suit, Santa Claus, deboarded his sleigh and headed over to the Rosa Parks Circle stage with Mrs. Claus and the amphitheater's ice-skating surface. Several thousands were there to greet him and various Grand Rapids dignitaries for the tree-lighting around 6:45 p.m.
The spectators jam-packed near the Christmas tree and adjacent tents between the amphitheater and the Grand Rapids Art Museum. Looking eastward the crowd extended down Monroe Center to Ottawa Avenue.
WOOD-TV 8 televised the tree lighting ceremony. It also noted the annual Grand Rapids Santa Parade dates back even before the Thanksgiving Day parade in Detroit. The station's Maranda helped St. Nicholas flip the switch to light the tree after a big countdown.
The Salvation Army Brass Band participated, and after the crowd cheered the tree lighting, Christmas songs like "Joy to the World," "Hark the Herald Angels," and "Jingle Bells" were played.
The Salvation Army is seeking donations through its Red Kettle campaign to help those in need. And it is seeking volunteers at the red kettles. Here is the website link.