LANSING, Mich. -- Fresh off her Going Forward Bus Tour, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is encouraging people to vote in Tuesday's general election.
"If you've not yet voted, tomorrow is the day," she said Monday on West Michigan's Morning News. "If you have an absentee ballot, turn it in in person, don't put it in the mail. Drop it at your clerk's office or a drop box, or bring it to a polling place tomorrow."
The Governor said there have been a lot of changes in the election process in recent years to ensure its integrity and to speed up the process.
"There are more penalties if you threat a poll worker. There is pre-processing, so our clerks can do the preliminary work. So, we can actually get a count in, an accurate count earlier in the process. Four years ago, it took a few days. This time, we think we might know by the time we go to bed (Tuesday) night, or by Wednesday morning," Whitmer said.
The polls open at 7 a.m. Tuesday and close at 8 p.m.
"The more people that show up to vote, the greater likelihood we get a government that actually focuses on what matters in people's lives. And that's why it is important to make your plan to vote tomorrow if you've not yet," Whitmer said.