GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- Best-selling historian H.W. Brands will speak about the significance of the Gerald Ford presidency November 7 at the Ford Presidential Museum.
The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. President Gerald R. Ford took the oath of office after President Richard Nixon resigned in 1974.
Date and Time: Thursday, November 7, 2024, 6:30 p.m. Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum, 303 Pearl St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504 The public can register here to attend in person. It will also be livestreamed via YouTube.
Here are more details from a news release from the 38 Foundation:
The evening’s theme resonates with Brands’ latest work, America First: Roosevelt vs. Lindbergh in the Shadow of War, a gripping historical account of the debate over America’s place on the global stage during the lead-up to World War II.
At a time when Americans were grappling with the aftermath of the Vietnam War, President Gerald Ford’s leadership provided a unique perspective on diplomacy and national morale. Brands, a Pulitzer Prize finalist, will explore this pivotal era, drawing parallels to the subject of his new book, which examines the clash between two powerful figures—President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who pushed for intervention, and Charles Lindbergh, the famed aviator who staunchly supported isolationism. Through vivid storytelling, Brands highlights this defining chapter in American history and offers insight into the making of an iconic American president.
H.W. Brands, who is a professor of history at the University of Texas, has authored more than 30 books. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Smithsonian, and more. Following his talk, attendees are invited to a book signing, with copies of America First available for purchase in the Museum store.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to hear from one of America’s foremost historians on topics that continue to shape our understanding of the nation’s role on the global stage.
Presented By: This event is made possible in partnership with the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library & Museum and the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation, with support from the Secchia Family Foundation. Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum & Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation 303 Pearl St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504.
About the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation: The mission of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation is to enlarge President Ford’s legacy in a world that desperately needs his example of leadership and service. As author James Cannon wrote, “From its beginning American democracy has had the good fortune to produce a leader, often from an unexpected quarter, whose character and actions Eit the tide of history. So it was on August 9, 1974, when this good and honest man, this obscure and stolid workhorse of a Congressman from the heartland of the nation, came to the rescue of the American government. To Gerald Ford was given the responsibility to move America from untruth to truth, from darkness to light.”