HOLLAND, Mich. -- A veterans' fair in Holland on Friday will provide free food, clothing and information about veterans' benefits, among other things.
The Holland Area Veterans Stand Down & Resource Fair runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Holland Civic Center. You must bring your government-issued picture I.D. And the director of Ottawa County Veterans Affairs, Jason Schenkel, recommends you also bring your military separation form known as the DD-214.
"We start off at the county level. We have a lot of county resources that will be on site. The county (clerk's office), mental health. Then, you get to the state level. We have the Michigan Veterans Affairs Association that will be on site to talk about state resources. We have the federal V.A. and folks from the federal Battle Creek Medical Center will be on site," Schenkel said on West Michigan's Morning News.
A group of nonprofit organizations will be participating, as well.
Veterans will receive free food, clothing, surplus items, haircuts, hygiene products, and housing resources. Service dogs will be there, too.
"We have the surplus for our folks that may be experiencing homelessness or in danger of homelessness," Schenkel said. "But then, we also have employers, too, that are there that have veteran-friendly jobs. And we're also looking at serving dependents and spouses, too. So, those individuals that may be looking for resources and don't know where to go."
Photo: Source: vfwmi.org