GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- Legal officials in Kent County figure they will be able to change behavior patterns while holding offenders accountable by creating a Domestic Violence Specialty Court.
The specialty court marks a major shift in how the county approaches cases that qualify for the specialized court. Two dedicated courts with two judges will oversee the cases. Judge Jennifer Faber in the 61st District Court in Grand Rapids and Judge Amanda Sterkenburg in the District 62B Court for the City of Kentwood.
The county will hold a news conference Wednesday morning at the 62B District Courthouse in Kentwood to provide more details.
"Our goal with the Domestic Violence Specialty Court is to enact transformational change by holding offenders accountable through intensive programs and supervision aimed at changing behavior patterns/" said Chris Becker, Kent County Prosecuting Attorney.
"At the same time, we are committed to providing tremendous support to victims throughout the process, doing all we can to provide for their protection and offering the resources they need to navigate this challenging time for themselves and their families," he said in a news release.
Here are more details from the county news release:
What sets the Kent County Domestic Violence Specialty Court apart is its unique approach tailored specifically to the needs of our community. The development of this court was a collaborative effort, with input from various stakeholders including domestic violence survivors, law enforcement/ defense attorneys, victim services organizations and treatment providers.
Through numerous meetings, discussions, and planning sessions/ a comprehensive and effective framework was created to address domestic violence within the county. T
he introduction of the Domestic Violence Specialty Court is just one component of Kent County's broader Domestic Violence Action Network (DVAN) collaborative initiative. DVAN also focuses on reducing high-lethality domestic violence incidents and implementing a range of strategies to decrease our community's tolerance of violence within the community.