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WOOD Radio Local News


MSP announces new firearm disposal protocol

In a news release, the Michigan State Police Department announced its new firearm disposal protocol yesterday, in the form of a processing facility in Jackson where firearm disposal and destruction are set to take place.

The facility will destroy all gun parts with an industrial pulverizer. Back in December, the Michigan Firearm Safety and Violence Prevention Caucus released a statement to discuss the concerns and latent consequences of firearm collection and how gun frames were being destroyed, while other parts were being resold to fix or make new firearms.

After the announcement, MFSVP Caucus Chair state Representative Felicia Brabec issued this statement:

“This decision by the MSP is commendable, and the commitment to this approach allows both confiscated illegal weapons and voluntarily relinquished guns to be fully destroyed. Fully destroying all firearms parts will reduce unauthorized access to guns — making Michigan communities safer. As House Dems work on mending these policy gaps, we encourage departments across the state to follow similar steps. Let’s continue to fix the purely American problem that firearms create.”

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