BIG RAPIDS, Mich. -- Ferris State University is increasing the amount of money available in some merit-based scholarships.
The university says it will help students who might otherwise put off a college decision due to delays in receiving federal financial aid information. Just this week, colleges and universities began receiving information about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) system.
Some changes in the system were scheduled to completed by the end of 2023, but there was a delay.
Here are more details from an FSU news release:
Ferris State University is increasing the amount of money available in some merit-based scholarships because they know families are frustrated by delays in federal financial aid and want to make it easier for prospective students to choose Ferris State.
Amounts vary between $500 and $1,500 depending on the scholarship, and additional students will be eligible for a $1,000 scholarship. The funds are available for students who have already applied and been accepted as well as those still to apply for the fall 2024 semester.
“Students and families are frustrated, and many of them are on the fence about which university they should attend,” said Kristen Salmonson, Ferris State’s dean of Enrollment Services. “We’re proud of the transformative education Ferris State provides. We believe these students are meant to be Bulldogs. We are increasing the money available for students right now to help them make the right decision and select Ferris State.”
The increases are in Woodbridge N. Ferris Scholarships for new students and are based on academic performance. Students receiving $6,000 President’s Scholarships and $5,000 Provost’s Scholarships will see a $500 increase. Students earning a $3,500 Dean’s Scholarship will get a $1,000 increase. Those awarded a $1,500 Crimson Scholarship will see a $1,500 increase.
The dollar amount for a $1,000 Woodbridge N. Ferris Forward Scholarship will be the same, but it will be available to more students. Students with a 2.25 high school grade point average are eligible, adjusted from the prior 2.50 requirement.
“We are investing in the future of our students, but also in the future of our community and state,” Salmonson said. “We know that 92 percent of Ferris State students stay in Michigan, using the skills and education we provide. That makes us all stronger.”
Salmonson said there are other financial aid opportunities, such as the Ferris Pledge and federal Pell Grants that could lower the cost of attendance.
She said Ferris State leaders continue to wait for long-delayed federal financial information and can help students with questions about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid -- commonly known as FAFSA -- and assist in other ways to help them select their college.
Students with questions may schedule a one-on-one appointment online, contact the Financial Aid Hotline at 231-591-2110, or send questions by email to
Students can explore other opportunities to lower costs. ScholarshipUniverse is available for new and continuing students that will be attending Ferris State in the 2024-2025 academic year. The program will help match eligible students with more than 500 donor-based, Ferris State-awarded scholarships, as well as more than 17,000 reputable external scholarship opportunities.
An admitted student open house is planned for March 16 on the Big Rapids campus. Future Bulldogs can explore life at Ferris State by meeting with current students, chatting with faculty from their major, get an ID Card and more. Additional information is available on the event registration page.
Students can also sign up for Crimson and Gold Days, where they can meet a student in their chosen field, learn about campus, grab lunch, and even sit in on a class or two to see why Ferris State should be their choice. Students may sign up on our Crimson and Gold Days registration page.
Photo: Photos provided by Ferris State University.