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FEMA opens application process for recovery after last August's storms

CHICAGO, IL. -- The Federal Emergency Manage Agency says residents in Michigan who suffered property damage during last August's tornadoes, severe storms and flooding may now apply for federal disaster assistance.

Nine counties in the state were impacted by the storms. In West Michigan, those included Kent and Ionia counties. FEMA says those who have already made repairs or started the recovery process should still apply. Inspectors are trained to recognize damage caused by a disaster even after recovery has started.

Residents who suffered property damage or other losses due to this weather event can now apply for assistance from FEMA. They can do so by either calling the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362 or going online at disasterassistance.gov to complete the application. It's important to note that multilingual operators are available to assist those who may require language support.

Additionally, FEMA will be establishing a Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) in the area where residents can go if they have questions about eligibility or the application process. We will forward information on the location of FEMA’s DRC as soon as it becomes available.

Here is a website link to the FEMA news release: https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/KENTCOMI/2024/02/16/file_attachments/2785722/NR01%20DR-4757%20How%20to%20Apply%20for%20FEMA%20Assistance%20after%20August%20Disaster%20%28002%29.pdf

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