WOOD Radio Local News

WOOD Radio Local News

WOOD Radio Local News


Injury crash causes backup on US-131 in Wyoming

[12:15pm UPDATE] Dispatchers say one lane of southbound US-131 will be opening shortly. A tow truck is on the scene.

WYOMING, Mich. -- Kent County Dispatchers confirm to WOOD Radio at 11:40 a.m. an injury crash underneath the 36th Street overpass.

It has resulted in the shutdown of southbound US-131 back near 28th Street heading into the noon hour.

It happened just before 11:30 a.m., and first responders arrived on the scene at 11:40. An M-DOT camera shows another vehicle has spun out in the median.

You'll want to find an alternate route if you're heading south towards 28th Street in Wyoming.


This M-DOT image shows a traffic backup and cars off the road along southbound U.S. 131 in Wyoming. An injury crash was reported up ahead near 36th Street. Photo: M-DOT camera screen captures around 11:40 a.m.

A double-bottom semi and a van at the scene of an injury crash in Wyoming around 11:30 a.m., on southbound US-131 at 36th Street.Photo: M-DOT image

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