Two parents are filing a lawsuit against the Rock Public School District for using male pronouns for their child at school without their knowledge or consent.
Dan and Jennifer Mead's child, who is biologically female and identifies as male, has attended the school district since kindergarten.
In middle school, the student began meeting with a school counselor, who was in regular contact with her parents about her mental health, schoolwork and recent autism diagnosis. Back in May of last year, the student then asked the counselor to tell teachers to use he/him pronouns and refer to them with a masculine name when addressing them in class.
However, no one at the school district notified the student's parent of this request. According to the lawsuit, the district's policy is to use student's preferred name and pronouns, without the requirement to notify the parents if the student is not out to them.
The lawsuit, filed this past Monday by the Alliance Defending Freedom on behalf of the parents, says this policy violates their First, and Fourteenth Amendment rights.
For the full story, head on over to WOOD TV.