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Gaines Planning Commission approves South Christian H.S. expansion

GAINES CHARTER TOWNSHIP, Mich. -- South Christian High School opened its new campus in Gaines Township just four years ago, but it will be constructing a 22,000-square-foot expansion next year.

That is largely because of rapidly rising enrollment in Kent County's fastest-growing township. The education wing will be built on the northeast side of the existing school building.

The Gaines Planning Commission voted 7-0 on Thursday night to approve a special land-use permit and site-plan amendment for the school on Kalamazoo Avenue, between 76th and 84th streets. Aaron Meckes, the head of South Christian, told Gaines commissioners last night.

"We built the school with classroom space for 700 students, but core facilities like a gym and food service and those types of things, for 1,200 students," Meckes said. "Today, we have 690 students, so we're quickly approaching that 700 number. By fall of 2025, we anticipate enrollment of over 760. And by the fall of 2032, we expect enrollment over 900."

On the west side of the existing building, an 1,800-square foot dry-storage facility will be built. The project also envisions some minor sidewalk and drainage improvements near Kalamazoo Avenue.

In their long-range master plan, school officials have drawn up conceptual designs for a track, a stadium, outdoor learning centers and additional parking. There will also be classroom space for regular and special education in one of the buildings.

Project Manager Jeff Van Laar with Exxel Engineering Inc. said there are 610 existing parking spaces on site that could accommodate the new addition and evening events, so long as the school gymnasium and auditorium are not being used for large events at the same time.

"Together, if those are full, it would lead to a higher parking requirement than 610 spaces. However, South does not have any anticipation that those would be concurring uses. They're not programmed for it. Practically, it's not feasible and so that's not something we're going to be forced to deal with in terms of parking," Van Laar said.

A public hearing was opened at the meeting, but no one from the public spoke.

A small group of South Christian High School government students attended the meeting.


South Christian High School head of school Aaron Meckes speaks at Thursday night's Gaines Township Planning Commission meeting at the township hall. Photo: Photo by James Gemmell

Jeff VanLaar, Exxel Engineering Inc.Photo: Photo by James Gemmell

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