LOWELL, Mich. -- The 31st annual Christmas Through Lowell shopping event will take place November 17th through the 19th.
It features more than 350 vendors at 68 locations, and is sponsored by the Lowell Area Chamber of Commerce. Sixty-eight homes, area churches and local businesses will host the vendors, who will offer gifts, creations and merchandize.
During that weekend, you will find items such as jewelry, Christmas decorations, art, crocheted and knitted crafts, home-made rugs and quilts.
Here is more information from the Lowell Area Chamber's news release:
Printed guidebooks and maps are available at participating Lowell businesses and the Lowell Area Chamber of Commerce to begin planning your three-day route. The Christmas Through Lowell guidebooks will also be available at all stops during the tour. Hungry shoppers can dine in one of Lowell’s delightful restaurants or one of several Christmas Through Lowell locations serving lunch during the event.
Visit ChristmasThroughLowell.org to view the digital guidebook and directly link to the interactive Google map for easy door-to-door directions. Guests may also connect with the event through the Christmas Through Lowell Facebook page.
Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind annual shopping event, or the opportunity to spend time with friends and family, while enjoying the work of talented artists and crafters from West Michigan. For questions, visit www.ChristmasThroughLowell.org or call the Lowell Area Chamber at (616) 897-9161.