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WOOD Radio Local News


KCSO: 27 live reptiles, 10 dead snakes found in Gaines Township home

GAINES TOWNSHIP, Mich. -- Kent County Animal Control rounded up 27 live reptiles and other creatures from a Gaines Charter Township home this past weekend, and it is conducting a follow-up investigation to determine whether to pursue criminal charges in the case.

KCSO deputies went to a home in the 6000 Block of East Amber Dr. SE, near 60th St. and Madison Ave. around 11 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 22. That was in response to a child-custody dispute.

"And since children are involved - the health and safety of the home, the health safety of the children - we are speaking to Child Protective Services, as well," Kent County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Eric Brunner said.

He pointed out that Animal Control Services is managed by the Sheriff's Office.

Sgt. Brunner said when they arrived, they found Boa Constrictors, Pythons, Corn snakes, Tree snakes, Tarantulas, an Apricot Pacman Frog, and a Tegu. Besides the living reptiles, he said 10 dead snakes were found in the home.

"Some (of the living reptiles) were in moderate health and some were in very poor health and conditions. So, we contacted our Animal Control officers to come assist the deputies. And even beyond Animal Control officers, gratefully, John Ball Zoo staff came out to the scene on the weekend to help retrieve these reptiles. And get them to the care that they needed at the zoo," Brunner said.

Brunner said the person who resides at the home was cooperating with the investigation.


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