WYOMING, Mich. -- A global ministry focused on helping girls grow in their Christian faith has announced the grand opening of its new headquarters in Wyoming.
The GEMS Girls Clubs will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the 5,800-square-foot facility on October 11th. That will be followed by a Community Open House on October 14th (see details at end of article). Cindy Bultema is the executive director of GEMS Girls Club. She tells WOOD Radio the larger headquarters will come in handy in serving girls who are primarily in the 1st-through-8th grades.
"Yes, at our (facility) we ran out of space and parking lot. So, we're excited to have a work-and-meeting space. We also have a studio, as we're broadcasting resources for girls and their leaders around the world. We have a mail room because we're sending stuff from Alberta, Canada, to Zimbabwe quite frequently," Bultema said.
The new headquarters is at 1847 R-W Berends Drive, which is south of 44th Street and west of Burlingame Avenue. A building on Grand Rapids' southeast side had served as the organization's headquarters for its first 65 years of operation.
"We loved that space; we were there for 65 years," Bultema said. "Moving to our new home wasn't easy. But we found that this provides the space that we need to reach even more girls."
The October 11th ribbon-cutting will coincide with the "International Day of the Girl Child" observance. It celebrates girls while raising awareness about the challenges they face.
Bultema said the new facilities include a space called "The H.U.B.," which stands for Here U Belong."
"Where we can have girls and grownups come in for all sorts of fun workshops," she said.
The GEMS Girls Clubs mainly serves girls who are in 1st-through-8th grades.
"Though GEMS is a ministry, we like to say focus on 'Girls: Toddlers through Teen.' We know it's not easy being a girl today, so we're always looking for ways to help the life of a girl," Bultema said.
If you have a girl who you would like to become a member of the club, or if you are a woman who would like to become a mentor, you can contact GEMS Girls Club or inquire on the website GEMSgc.org . The office phone number is (616)-616-GEMS (or 4367).
"We like to say we would like to raise up a GEMeration," Bultema said. "We would love to hear from you to share different opportunities for you to get involved, as well."
She added, “We are thrilled to celebrate this new facility that will help us impact even more girls and to help them realize their value in who God says they are."
Grand Opening Events - From the HappyPR public relations firm:
Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting
- Wednesday, October 11 at 5 p.m.
- Ribbon cutting ceremony and tours
- Invitation-only. Local city leaders and members of the media are welcome.
Community Open House
- Saturday, October 14 from 1-3 p.m.
- Girls from the community & their families are invited to enjoy crafts and fun!
- To RSVP, visit bit.ly/GEMSribboncutting
International Day of the Girl - #SharetheLOVED Campaign
The International Day of the Girl is a globally recognized day to celebrate and lift up girls while raising awareness about the challenges they face. Girls from GEMS clubs around the world will participate by sharing pictures with signs featuring their own A-to-Z attributes, highlighting the strengths they’ve gained through club experiences. The campaign will also encourage others to join in and #SharetheLOVED.
GEMS Girls Clubs invites everyone to participate and celebrate the International Day of the Girl in the following ways:
- Download and print the free GEMS' "The Truth Is" photo cards & share pictures on social media using the hashtags #GEMS #DayoftheGirl #ShareTheLOVED.
- Spread kindness by downloading the "50 Ways to Share the LOVED" document available at GEMSgc.org.
- Send an encouraging note to someone using the "You are LOVED." cards, also available for download at GEMSgc.org.
About GEMS
GEMS Girls’ Clubs is a global ministry dedicated to engaging and equipping girls in their faith for over six decades. Through its transformative girl's clubs, programs, and products, GEMS provides a supportive environment for girls to grow, learn, and flourish in who God made them to be. GEMS clubs are currently active throughout 17 countries, 9 Canadian provinces, 40 states, and growing. For more information about GEMS Girls’ Clubs, visit GEMSgc.org and follow @GEMSgirlsclubs on social media.