WOOD Radio Local News

WOOD Radio Local News

WOOD Radio Local News


Military Family Health & Well-Being Symposium this Friday at Davenport U.

CALEDONIA TOWNSHIP, Mich. -- The West Michigan Veterans Coalition's Healthcare Committee will conduct a Military Family Health and Well-Being Symposium on Friday at the Davenport University campus in Caledonia.

Captain Paul Ryan with the coalition was a guest Monday on WOOD Radio's West Michigan's Morning News. He said resource providers in the health and welfare/wellness area will be participating in the conference at Davenport University.

"Organizations, individual practitioners. People who may not be aware of specific resources that are geared towards veterans in the health and wellness area in West Michigan," Ryan said.

The Veterans Coalition connects organizations so they are aware of what each of them are doing, and what resources they are employing. The organizations are connected to veterans and military-connected families to identify the resources that are available to them, that they earned through military service.

Capt. Ryan points out that the services go beyond just medical treatment. Some deal with acupuncture, equine therapy, Michigan State University agriculture extension programs for farming, transportation.

For more information, visit this website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wmvc-community-partners-health-well-being-symposium-tickets-686531192277


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