WOOD Radio Local News

WOOD Radio Local News

WOOD Radio Local News


No surprise: traffic slow heading north for the Labor Day weekend

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- Motorists heading north to the their holiday destinations encountered slow traffic at times, even though the Michigan Department of Transportation removed many construction barrels on the freeways ahead of the annual Labor Day weekend crunch.

A couple of vehicle crashes didn't help with the flow of traffic. At least two were reported mid-afternoon, north of 44th Street and south of M.L.K. (Franklin) Street.

Triple-A reported the national gas price average is $3.82 per gallon of regular unleaded. The average price in Michigan is $3.71. The Auto Club said holiday weekend travel would be up compared to last year, based on booking data at various destinations. Analysts predict gas prices will fall 35 to 50 cents by the end of the year, if there are no breakdowns at oil refineries or other problems.

U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said the federal government was trying to prevent travel disruptions this weekend with the airlines.

High temperatures are forecasted to be around 86 degrees by Labor Day. That won't stop about 10,000 people from strolling fives miles across the Mighty Mac on Monday morning. The annual Mackinac Bridge Walk will start around 7 a.m. in St. Ignace, and end in Macinaw City. The bridge spans Michigan's Upper and Lower Peninsulas.

It will be closed Monday to vehicular traffic from 6:30 a.m. until noon.


A couple of right-lane crashes were reported mid-afternoon on northbound US-131 heading toward downtown Grand Rapids. Photo: MDOT traffic cam screen capture

A right-lane traffic crash on northbound U.S-131 was cleared around 2 p.m. Friday, but traffic was slow, anyway.Photo: MDOT screen capture

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