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WOOD Radio Local News


State lawmaker says cuts to Pure Michigan will hurt tourism

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- The Michigan Legislature slashed the travel office's budget by nearly two-thirds earlier this month, and State Representative John Roth says that will impact Michigan's tourism industry.

"Particularly, northern Michigan. This is huge. We can't help it, we are definitely a tourism area. It's probably our number one thing up here," Roth said.

The Interlochen Republican was a guest on West Michigan's Morning News. The cut in the travel budget will result in about a $15 million hit to the Pure Michigan advertising campaign.

"I really got to believe, in some way, maybe (it's) even a little political, since we're getting rid of Tim Allen and bringing someone else on to be the spokesman for it. I'm worried about that," Roth said.

Roth says tourists flock to Michigan from out of state because of the TV commercials.

"Just last week, the Michigan Association of Health Plans had a major conference at the Grand Traverse Resort up here. And I talked with two women from the Boston area, where they see our ads all the time, and they couldn't wait to get here to see our area - not just the conference itself. So, we absolutely know it works," Roth said.

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