PORTAGE, Mich. -- You take virtually the same ride that many Allied troops did during World War II on a C-47 airplane on May 27th at the Air Zoo Aerospace & Science Museum in Portage.
That is located just south of the Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport. The Air Zoo is at 6151 Portage Road.
The aircraft pays homage to the heroic crews operating in the China-Burma-India (CBI) theater of World War II.
Per a news release from the Yankee Air Museum:
The C-47, Hairless Joe, is owned and operated by the Yankee Air Museum and was one of the most vital pieces of military equipment in winning the war according to General Dwight D. Eisenhower. The C-47 Skytrain was developed from the Douglas DC-3 civilian airliner. One of the most mass-produced aircraft in history with 11,000 manufactured before and during WWII, there are still 172 of the aircraft flying today. Also known as the Gooney Bird, the C-47 was built to last.
For thrill seekers desiring a once-in-a-lifetime experience, public rides on the C-47 are available on May 27th at 11:00am and 12:00pm. The ride is a 20-minute experience and costs $225.00 per person. Order now at https://yankeeairmuseum.org/fly/#c47 or take a chance and walk up the day of the flight. Passengers check in at the Air Zoo’s Flight Discovery Center on 3101 East Milham Avenue; please see map at https://www.airzoo.org/air-zoo-facilities